Saturday, May 19, 2018

Clancy, Detective by H. Bedford-Jones

Clancy, Detective - one of the most interesting detectives since Sherlock Holmes.

Clancy, Detective originally published in "Blue Book" magazine. The title character one of the most interesting detectives since Sherlock Holmes. The story sure to please everyone who likes Sherlockian detectives with extraordinary deductive abilities.

The first of a captivating series detailing the exploits of Peter J. Clancy, the dentist-detective of Paris - the most interesting detective since Sherlock Holmes!

Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones was a Canadian historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.

Half a second more, and the truck would have backed the little old man out of existence. It was one of those traffic jams for which Paris is famous, at the corner of the narrow Rue Caumartin. Caught between two lines of taxicabs, oblivious of the truck coming at him from behind, with everybody vociferously shouting at everybody else, the old chap stood bewildered and hesitant, or so I thought.

Consequently, I made a grab for him, rushed him under the nose of a taxi, and literally carried him to the sidewalk. There, to my surprise, he turned on me savagely with a flood of French.

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