Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Man's Life by Arthur Adams

A Man's Life - A novel by Arthur Adams.

A Man's Life Excerpt:
The nurse looked at him. A man of sixty, perhaps, with clear-cut features. His clothes were good. Perhaps a gentleman. Some money in his pocket. She was somewhat curious; she wondered who he was.
Well, she said again to herself, he's gone, poor thing!

She was to be forgiven, with all her experience in the casualty ward, in thinking that the man was dead. True, she could see no sign of life in that still warm body. But the nurse was alive; and the living do not know what the dying think.

For in that final flash of Life there had surged into the man's consciousness one thing after the other that he had done or thought of since childhood. His whole life flashed up in disconnected scenes, pictures startlingly vivid leaping into his mind, and as abruptly dying.

Arthur Henry Adams (1872-1936) - a journalist and author.
His works include: Maoriland, and Other Verses (1899), Tussock Land (1904), The New Chum (1909), Galahad Jones (1910), The Collected Verses of Arthur H. Adams (1913), Mrs. Pretty and the Premier (1914), Double Bed Dialogues (1915), Australian Nursery Rimes (as editor) (1917), The Australians (1920) and A Man's Life (1929).

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